Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee, which comprises only independent non-executive directors, meets as required. Its members are M Mia (Chairman), J B Magwaza and N Mjoli-Mncube. P H Staude, as CEO, attends by invitation and M A C Mahlari is the secretary. This committee’s terms of reference ensure that, for board appointments, a rigorous, fair and open nomination and appointment process is established which will provide a balance of appropriate skills, knowledge and experience in the boardroom and support strong corporate performance. The committee makes recommendations to the board on the size, composition and demographics of the board, particularly in relation to the balance between executive, non-executive and independent directors, ensuring that there is a diversity of experience and backgrounds to create a cohesive and effective board. The committee also gives consideration to succession planning, and ensures that processes and plans are in place for orderly succession and for appointments to the board and to senior management.

The Nomination Committee had two meetings during the period under review. The record of attendance is contained in the table below.

Director Remuneration Committee
  A B
M Mia (Chairman) 2 2
JB Magwaza 2 2
N Mjoli-Mncube 2 2
A: Indicates the number of meetings held during the year while the director was a member of the committee.
B: Indicates the number of meetings attended during the year while the director was a member of the committee.